Sunday, 6 March 2011

Black Out Korea DOWN - 블랙아웃코리아 폐쇄

The evil BlackOutKorea site is open to invited readers only.  Actually it has been taken down today!  The number of invited readers is limited to 100.  최대 100명까지 독자로 초대 가능.

Additional notes (Mar. 8th 19:00, 2011 GMT+9) : If you wonder the evil site is blocking approaches from specific countries.. don't worry! I and my friends are watching them from Korea, China, Japan, UK, Luxembourg, Denmark, Canada :D The friends are all natives of their countries.

Thursday, 3 March 2011

The first post of BLACK OUT KOREA

After this post, the site owner successfully(?) gathered contributors sharing joyful pictures with the others.  But the joy was only for them.  Their photos included violences and humiliations to powerless people who were fully drunken and passed out on streets in Korea.  Maybe they treated these terrible behaviors as simple online events, but actually their crimes were executed in real world and the photos were just crime evidences safely(?) stored far from scenes.  As a Korean, their photos surely remind me of Abu Ghraib.  I couldn't see merely similar photos before.

I did hope to avenge their terror in Korea.  But fortunately (differently to the leader of terrorists) I could meet many beautiful minds stopping my evil minds.  Thank you, Darth BabaganooshAdeelSchplookkushibo.

Now several SOCIOLOGISTs have great interests in the moral hazard of Black Out Korea posters.  If someone needs a full data of their original activities for sociological studies then please contact me via my Korean blog.

We are Human Beings (click to view in full screen) :

[in Korean]

위에 첫 포스트를 시작으로, 블랙아웃코리아 개설자는 성공적으로(?) '즐거운 사진' 제공자들을 불러모았습니다.  그러나 그 즐거움은 오직 그들만을 위한 것이었죠.  사진들은 한국에서 만취하여 길에 쓰러진, 저항할 힘이 없는 사람들에 대한 폭력과 굴욕을 담고 있었습니다.  아마도 그들은 자신들의 행동을 단순히 온라인에서 벌이는 이벤트 쯤으로 치부했나봅니다.  하지만 실제론 그들의 범죄는 현실세계에서 이뤄졌으며 사진들은 단지 범죄현장에서 멀리 떨어져 안전하게(?) 보관된 범죄 증거물이었습니다.  한국인으로서 그들의 사진은 제게 명백히 '아부 그라이브' 교도소를 상기시킵니다.  저는 그 이전에 조금도 유사한 사진을 보지 못했어요. 

저는 정말이지 한국에서의 그들의 테러에 보복을 하고 싶었습니다.  그러나 다행히도 (테러리스트 두목의 경우와 달리) 저는 사악한 마음을 제지할 아름다운 심성들을 만날 수 있었습니다.  이분들에게 감사를 표합니다 : Darth Babaganoosh, Adeel, Schplook, kushibo.  국내에서 활동하는 영어선생님들입니다. 

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Valuable Advice from Schplook

I agree with you that Blackout Korea is a terrible site. However, I don't consider the bad behaviour shown on the blog to be anywhere near the same level of evil as the acts of the guards at Abu Ghraib. This comparison is highly inflammatory and will damage your main argument and cause people to ignore you or simply react angrily rather than thoughtfully.

I understand your anger, but I don't agree with the nature or style of your response -- your blog comments. Unfortunately, your site will only be taken seriously if you try to calmly present reasonable arguments, and even then only decent, mature people will listen. The people who should be encouraged to improve their behaviour (those taking the photos and those posting them online) will probably ignore you. I feel that it would be better to deal with the problem more logically.

If you believe that the photographs on the site are against Korean law, then you should report it to the appropriate department of the police. If you want to persuade the creators of the blog, and the people taking and sending in photos, to stop (or change) then you should contact them directly (and calmly, as I said). I know you have contacted other respectable foreign bloggers in Korea, or commented on their sites, but remember that even these people will feel uneasy about agreeing with you if they think your reaction is too emotional (full of anger and derogatory language) and your arguments are too extreme (comparing Abu Ghraib with Blackout Korea without giving a good reason, or logical argument).

It is very unfortunate that people on the internet will say things (and show things, post pictures) that they wouldn't say or do in public. Even more unfortunate, is that some people actually would, and don't care at all about being rude to someone while looking them in the eye. There are some people who don't know that what they are doing is wrong, but some that will never change, no matter how well (logically and fairly ) we argue with them.

A minority of people cause the majority of problems. What we can do, is to try to convince the majority of reasonable people (who have temporarily lost their sense of common decency and contribute offensive photos to Blackout Korea) to see that their behaviour is not acceptable.

Here are my arguments against Blackout Korea:

1. Taking photos of people and publishing them without their permission may be a crime in Korea. Please at least make sure to conceal the identities of these people (if you're going to post them online).

2. Unwanted touching is a form of assault and, therefore, also a crime. Please do not touch people without their permission.

3. Posing with and ridiculing people in unflattering states is immature, insensitive, and offensive. Please respect other people, even if it seems amusing to you at the time. Stop and think about how you would feel if it happened to you. If you wouldn't be offended, keep in mind that not everyone is like you -- just because you think it's OK, doesn't mean it is for someone else. Hold on to your empathy -- these are people with feelings.

4. Blackout Korea is promoting, and normalising bad behaviour. Don't encourage this. Make it clear what is over the line. (In my view, showing the faces of, posing with, and touching unconscious people is over the line -- do not allow this on the site.) If someone were to take it too far and do something for the site that constitutes a (more) serious crime, then Blackout Korea will share some of the responsibility, if not the consequences.

Arguments against your site, English Teachers Out:

1. The angry tone is not helping. Focus on the behaviour, not the people. If you say someone is 'bad' (or an idiot) there is only one natural response -- they will become defensive and respond to you in the same (or worse) way. If you criticise behaviour, people have the option to change it.

2. Any time you compare someone to a criminal or war criminal, you need to be very careful. The comparison itself is not part of a valid argument unless the crimes are comparable. Comparing the processes involved, and making clear that they are different situations, is acceptable if done in a reasonable way. A direct comparison showing the worst of the Abu Ghraib photos to Blackout Korea's photos is not a valid argument -- it's an appeal to emotion.

3. Labelling all (or not differentiating between) people of a group as evil is also going to derail your argument and send into a free-fall of abuse and insult. Please make it clear that (as you don't know how many foreigners agree or disagree that Blackout Korea is awful) not all foreigners or foreign teachers are evil idiots.

4. Appealing to emotion will simply create a loud screaming match where no one is heard and nothing is said. Some people enjoy this -- don't encourage them. The people who enjoy arguing in this way are probably not the ones you can persuade or reason with.

5. Blackout Korea has a right to exist as long as they conceal the identities of the unconscious people in the pictures, and don't publish any that involve touching (assault). The posing, while it is distasteful and should be discouraged, is something that is not illegal, so should be changed through polite, reasoned arguments.

I am not saying you are wrong it what you're doing, but I am saying that your approach will be more effective if you take my advice. I am not saying you should stop criticising the bad behaviour you have seen promoted on Blackout Korea -- you have the right to do so. But if you continue, you can expect to face awful and offensive arguments from people who disagree with you -- these are from the few people who will never admit fault or change their behaviour. The more reasonable people will think carefully about their comments, but I think many of them already agree that Blackout Korea is offensive.

writer : Schplook   

Bintz agrees all of Schplook's arguments against this blog.  I've learned much.
Just one thing I couldn't wipe out in my minds.. "they are terrorists in Korea."  :'(

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Public Enemy - Who becomes a coordinate fired by angry netizens

The rule is simple. When a man did a thing to the others, the thing NEVER be one of these,
① A thing could not be done if the man regarded himself as a human being.
② A thing could not be done if the man regarded the others as human beings.

If you did, then you would become a public enemy on Korean Internet.

Now there are a lot of anonymous comments in the Evil Blog. Why anonymous? Do you think the angry netizens are passive and afraid of being exposed? No! Almost all Korean people don't have Google accounts :P We don't use Google.

If the King idiot doesn't shut down his Evil Blog then all idiots appeared on the blog will see their private lives LIVELY on Internet finally. I will share them on US server (← introspection after 17 hours : This is also a devil's work.  We have not to do that.  Any kind of violence cannot be justified by any excuse or any pretext.)

추가 내용(16시간 후) : 블랙아웃코리아는 그들이 내세우는 명분이 무엇이건 한국에서 심각한 범죄를 저질렀습니다. 저는 그들의 행동에서 악마의 모습을 보았습니다. 제 의견은 확고합니다. 우리나라는 음주문화를 개선할 필요가 있으며 길에서 잠든 사람들을 모종의 보호시설로 옮기는 제도가 도입되어야 합니다. 아울러 저항할 힘이 없는(그리고 도움이 필요한) 사람들을 '즐거운 사진'을 위한 기념품 다루듯 한 테러리스트들은, 모두 찾아내어 국외로 추방해야 합니다. 하지만 그렇다고 국내 거주하는 모든 외국인이 비난을 받는 것은 옳지 못합니다. 실제로 이번 사건과 관련하여, 여러 외국인 블로그에서 그들을 두둔하는 의견에 쓴소리로 대응해주신 분들은 대부분 국내에서 활동하는 영어선생님들이었습니다. 그런 영어선생님들이 국내에 많아야 다시는 이런 테러가 발생하지 않는다고 생각합니다.

Additional notes(written after 17 hours) : "I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented." - Eliezer Wiesel

제목 : 공공의 적 - 누가 성난 네티즌에게 공격당하는 좌표가 되는가

규칙은 단순하다. 누군가 다른 이들에게 어떤 일을 행했을 때, 그것은 결코 아래 것들이면 안된다,
① 자신을 사람으로 여긴다면 도저히 할 수 없는 일.
② 다른 이들을 사람으로 여긴다면 도저히 할 수 없는 일.

만약 당신이 그런 일을 행한다면 당신은 한국 인터넷에서 공공의 적이 된다.

지금 그 사악한 블로그에는 수많은 익명의 댓글들이 있다. 왜 익명인가? 당신은 그 성난 네티즌들이 소극적이며 드러나기를 두려워한다고 생각하는가? 아니다! 거의 모든 한국인은 구글 계정을 가지고 있지 않다ㅋㅋ 우리는 구글을 사용하지 않는다.

만약 그 사악한 블로그가 폐쇄되지 않는다면, 결국 그 블로그에 얼굴이 오른 모든 머저리들은 그들의 사생활을 인터넷에서 생중계로 감상하게 될 것이다.   내가 그것들을 미국 서버에서 공유해주마  (← 17시간 후 반성 : 이것 또한 악마가 할법한 일이다.  우리는 그렇게 하면 안된다.  모든 폭력은 그 어떤 이유와 명분으로도 정당화 될 수 없다.)