Sunday, 27 February 2011

MOST Serious MISTAKE of idiots - 머저리들 최악의 실수

One mistake only proves they are idiots : Even though Bodies are exposed in Korea, Crime Evidences are safely(?) stored in US server.

Let's approach their moral hazard with a viewpoint of economy. President Obama gives unstinted praise to Korean Education Systems. Recently he EVEN praised(WSJ article, Jan 25th 2011), "In South Korea, teachers are known as 'nation builders'. Here in America, it’s time we treated the people who educate our children with the same level of respect." Every Korean could understand why I put the word 'EVEN'. I described in my Korean blog post, "Obama should kick off a staff who advised a lie about 'Education in Korea'(about a position as a teacher)."  Though, of course, still better than the other developed countries on planet earth.

Anyway US President praises Korean Education Systems obviously OFTEN. The reason could label idiots' moral hazard as their most serious mistake in their lives : Korean people is the best CUSTOMER in US Education Market. Korea sends a lot of students to US to buy US Education and on the other hand, takes a lot of teachers from US to buy US Education.

This is why I could forecast the DISASTER TO IDIOTS before. The day is coming..

이런 실수는 고작 그들이 머저리라는 사실을 증명할 뿐이지 : 비록 몸뚱아리는 한국에 머무르고 있지만, 범죄 증거들은 안전하게(?) 미국 서버에 보관하고 있다.

그들의 도덕불감증을 경제적 관점에서 바라보기로 하자. 오바마 대통령은 한국의 교육 시스템에 대해 칭찬을 아끼지 않는다. 심지어 최근에는 이런 칭찬을 했다, "한국에서는 선생님들이 '국가의 건설자'로 인식되고 있다. 이제 여기 미국에서도 우리 아이들 교육을 책임지는 분들을 동일한 수준의 존경심으로 대해야 할 때이다." 한국인이라면 내가 왜 '심지어'라는 단어를 사용했는지 이해할 수 있을 것이다. 나는 내 한글 블로그에 이렇게 적었다, "오바마는 한국에 대해 거짓 정보를 제공하는 주변인을 정리할 필요가 있다."  물론, 지구상의 다른 발전된 국가들보다는 여전히 상황이 좋지만..

어쨌거나 미국 대통령은 틈만 나면 한국의 교육시스템을 칭찬한다. 그 이유가 '머저리들의 도덕불감증'을 '그들 생애 최악의 실수'로 바꿔버릴 수 있다 : 한국인은 미국 교육시장에서 최고의 고객이다. 한국은 미국 교육을 구입하기 위해 많은 학생들을 보내고, 한편으로 미국 교육을 구입하기 위해 많은 선생님들을 받아들인다.

이것이 바로 내가 '머저리들에게 떨어질 재앙'을 예견한 이유다. 그 날이 다가온다..

Bonus : This(↓) is why I don't hesitate to say, "idiots are mad!" "idiots are devils!" "idiots are criminals!" ※ in this blog, every idiot indicates the idiot of Evil Blog(Black Out Korea).

(여친이 문을 안 열어줘서 복도에 잠든 남자를 발견했을 때, 그들의 창조적(?) 행동)

Additional notes : 'Who teaches English in Korea' Blog (written after 21 hours in response to the latest 'introduction of the Evil Blog' written by King idiot Who teaches English in Korea.)

I’m a design engineer who designs ‘mechanical logics’ in machines. Usually don’t like to get involved in social problems in which everyone easily has a conviction until his generates another (or more) big problem. As you know, this counter-blog also includes a possibility to label 'Every English Teacher in Korea' as 'idiots having evil minds'. I feel responsible to prevent that.

Here is my story about 'Who teaches English in Korea' Blog.

Over 1 month ago(maybe within 2 months), one of my European friends introduced the Evil Blog to me and advised, "Show them what Korean people feel from their moral hazard." He was very angry although he is not a Korean! And this interview article was given to me → (Aug. 30, 2010, matadornetwork) Sooner, I visited Evil Blog and left a comment. And then we (he and I) believed that they would shut down the Evil Blog. There was no reason to remember them.


When I opened this WhoTeachesEnglish blog, I believed that if I showed a strong and (seemingly) continuous resistance to their moral hazard then they would shut down the Evil Blog.

After this counter-blog opening, the first thing I prepared was to leave an incoming-link on the Evil Blog. I put it as a comment there. And the second thing was to write a Korean article in my Korean Blog. So there were two routines for visitors at the opening :
① Evil Blog → WhoTeachesEnglish (as a comment)
② my Korean Blog → WhoTeachesEnglish (as a post written in Korean)

Bintz(빈츠) is not an Anonymous on Internet. Everyone can easily gather information about me, especially when he can read Korean words. I think about 70% of my life has been recorded in Korean. But I didn't feel necessary to prepare an outgoing-link into my Korean Blog here because I would remain as just one Korean people to them(idiots). But I had to put the out-going link into my Korean Blog to show my respects to a visitor who left the first reasonable and considerable comment here(after about 6 hours from opening). Now I put the outgoing-link kindly continuously.

I hope idiots to realize two facts!
① Korean people can't reach this WhoTeachesEnglish Blog by searching keywords. I feel you are afraid of the other English Teachers & not-idiot friends in Korea.
② When a well-maid movie is introduced in Korea, it is usually expected that 25% of people will see the movie. 10,000,000 PEOPLE for just ONE movie! Check the visitor counter here. Idiots don't need to be afraid of Korean people now(mostly don't know about you idiots till now at least).. Please be afraid of your pure good inner minds what you lost recently.

Their terrible CRIME is a disgrace of Korea. National disgrace indeed!

Hey, idiots!  Here check the newest mission(↓) from King idiot!

Additional notes(written after 23 hours) : There were several visitors who tried to legitimize the moral hazard of the Evil Blog. I thought they were definitely wrong but usually didn't blame on them because I could feel they tried to protect someone appeared on idiot photos. Yes, I would do too if I had a friend in them.

Probably many of idiots (at least the King idiot) don't understand why their moral hazard could be compared with Abu Ghraib. This article(Idiots teach how to be creative in Korea) in this blog was all what I could explain with my own knowledge and morality.

But fortunately I could find out a series of knowledge comments in the other's blog yesterday. Idiots, check it out together! (but so sorry to the commenter, for capturing without permission)

※ Sorry, I couldn't attach a link to the knowledge comments. The blog's owner was the most active visitor here who tried to legitimize idiot's moral hazard. But now probably he felt he was wrong.. he is shouting "Both of Evil Blog and WhoTeachesEnglish Blog are wrong!" As I told before I can understand why he has to do so. He is not a bad guy.

Additional notes(Mar. 9th 16:30 GMT+9) : "First, we also have to stop making excuses for bad teachers." Obama said during a classroom visit at Tech Boston Academy in Massachusetts' capital city on Mar. 8th 2011. / RTTNews

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